Elly Hol studied biomedical sciences at the Utrecht University.
She did her PhD research in the lab of Experimental Neurology at the Rudolf Magnus Institute under supervision of Prof. Dop Bär and Prof. Willem Hendrik Gispen. After obtaining her PhD in Neuroscience in Utrecht in 1994, she obtained a fellowship to work for 2 years in the lab Prof. Georg Kreutzberg at the Max-Planck-Institute for Neurobiology in Martinsried, Germany. In 1997 she returned to the Netherlands and worked as a post-doc at the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research (NIBR-Amsterdam) in the group of Dr. Fred van Leeuwen en Prof Dick Swaab. In 2003 she started her own research group on the cellular quality control mechanisms in Alzheimer patients at the NIBR. She was heading the group “Astrocyte Biology & Neurodegeneration” at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience (NIN) until 2013. Currently she is professor of "Glia Biology of Brain Diseases" at the Brain Center at the University Medical Center Utrecht, she is visiting professor at the NIN, and she is professor of “Biology of Glia and Neural Stem Cells” at the SILS-Center for Neuroscience of the University of Amsterdam. The research in her group is focused on the cell and molecular biology of astrocytes and adult neural stem cells (neurogenic astrocytes) in health and disease. She is a recipient of numerous research grants, including the prestigious NWO VICI-award (Innovational Research Incentives Scheme) and NWO Gravitation grant.
Interview BCRM bulletinInterview Neuroscience & Cognition